
Need of Digital Gram Panchayat

The Rural Area and people are still developing with plenty of facilities and with various information. They lack proper technology and training to understand the process.

Why Digital Gram Panchayat?

"There is a lack of effective implementation of transparency in the village."

The Panchayat Samiti resist on the part of conveying the information and knowledge to rural areas. The Rural Area and people are still not developed and are misled with various information. They lack proper technology and education to understand the process. To fill the gap between villages and Panchyat Samiti, we have developed a 'Digital Gram Panchayat Software'.

The software supports achieving the goal of human development, including social and economic development and imparting knowledge about various schemes and job details provided by the government for betterment of rural development.

‘Digital Gram Panchayat’ is a cloud-based Web and a Mobile application developed to cater to various aspects of Panchayat’s Functioning that includes accounting, monitoring, planning, social audit, and delivery of citizen services like issue of certificates.

Digital Gram Panchayat

Enlightening Rural Development with our best technology services

Decision making support system for Panchayat

Transparency in information

Disclosure of information to a villager for social audit

Better and convergent delivery of services to villagers

Improving internal management and efficiency

Capacity building of representatives and officials

The significance of Gram Panchayat

Access for different users


Monitoring Dashboard

Creating & Deleting Notice Board Details

Complete Access to Event Calendars, Village, Tax, Bill, etc.

Editing Gram Panchayat Details

Complete Access of Certificates

Giving Access to other Staff


Viewing Dashboard, Notice Details

Viewing Gram Panchayat, Village, Tax Details, etc.

Complete Access to Bills & Request Certificates


Viewing Dashboard, Notice Board, Event Calendar, Gram Panchayat, Staff, House, Resident, Tax, Bill details, etc.

Complete Access to Request Certificate

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